Back pain above waist

Back pain above the waist, may signal major changes in your body but may disappear as suddenly as they appeared. It all depends on the reasons that cause discomfort, and promptly begin treatment.

Diseases of the spine which cause back pain above waist

back pain

When back pain above the waist, the reasons can come from the pathology of the spinal column, a complex structure which was broken.

Spinal injury, regardless of the affected Department, may give severe pain in the lumbar region. Often late effects of injuries, when pain appear years, even decades after the injury. This situation should alert the person, because it may develop cancer.

In the development of cancerous tumors there is a disintegration of bone and cartilage that causes severe intensity pain. Also cartilage and bone tissue can suffer from many infectious and non-infectious diseases, as a result of degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis.

Scoliosis, due to the strong deformation of the spine, causes of pain impulses as impaired bone and muscular structure of the vertebrae. Displacement of intervertebral disc, intervertebral hernia of large size, a strong muscle spasm around the vertebrae can pinch nerves that extend from the spinal cord.

The nerve trunk are in a fairly narrow holes in the bones, therefore, almost immediately disturbed patency of nerve impulses that causes intense pain.

Back pain above lower back: causes

Pain syndrome, which is above the lower back, may indicate disease:

  • of the abdominal cavity;
  • cardiovascular pathology. Most often these include acute myocardial infarction and angina pectoris;
  • lungs – pleurisy, pneumonia;
  • of the esophagus. A hernia of the esophagus, which in its symptom complex is often a symptom of back pain localized just above the waist;
  • of the urinary system. These include pathology of the kidney related to the bladder. The passage of large concretions (stones, sand) along the narrow paths, generates an intense pain impulses.

Pregnancy cannot be considered a pathological condition of the body, but during the great "perestroika" of all organs, a woman may feel discomfort above the waist. To such a state usually not used because of the rather severe intensity of pain.

Back pain above waist right side

The right side of the abdomen is a "receptacle" of vital organs that are able to generate radiating pain in the lower back. First and foremost, do not forget about the special Appendix, inflammation of which is called appendicitis.

Acute appendicitis, in the absence of medical assistance, may be complicated by intestinal perforation, abscess, spilled peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal wall). Death occurs within a few days and even hours, therefore at the slightest suspicion organize the delivery of the patient to the hospital.

Right-sided spinal pain just above the waist can manifest itself, acute cholecystitis – an acute inflammation of the gallbladder. This disease causes the stones that get stuck or have difficulty passing through the narrow bile duct. In violation of the physiological flow of bile, begins in pain in the right hypochondrium, giving in a little above the waist.

Risk factors that cause pain in the thoracic spine

List some risk factors that provoke the pain in the thoracic lumbar spine:

  • some occupations – difficult working conditions associated with heavy lifting, sudden twists of the torso, multiple inclinations;
  • overload psycho-emotional sphere. More common in adolescents;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • martial arts, sports with great competition;
  • lack of exercise;
  • office computer work.

If you consider yourself to at least one risk group, then to the health of your spine shall be treated with intensive care. Your lower back suffers heavy load and it makes sense to practice preventive exercises periodically taking courses to strengthen bone and cartilage, and in some cases to take vitamin complexes and calcium. Then the risk of having back pain you have to decrease.