Lower back pain: causes, signs, symptoms, treatment

Lower back pain is a symptom that was manifested by every person at least once in life. Medical statistics is that throughout his life painful in this region was detected in about 80% of the population in European countries. At the same time, doctors are beginning to sound the alarm, as this symptom became "younger". If before lower back pain on the right or left that could give up or not give in the leg, was the prerogative of older people, now the average age of its primary manifestations – from 35 to 45 years. Often it is diagnosed even in adolescents. This all suggests that the question – why is a sore lower back, the answer is everyone should know, as no one is immune from the occurrence of such painful sensations.

lower back pain

In fact, the causes for progression of this pathological condition quite a lot. Often pain in the lumbar region accompanied by pain, sciatica, lumbago, various pathologies of the lumbosacral. It is important to understand that if you observe this symptom, it is in any case impossible to ignore. Of course, it can trigger quite physiological reasons, such as increased physical activity or hypothermia. But also pain in this area can be the first sign of progression of serious pathologies in the human body. It is important immediately go to the reception to a qualified doctor who will be able to establish the true cause of this condition and prescribe the correct treatment.


Depending on their localization:

  • local. In this case, the pain syndrome is manifested in one particular place in the lumbar region. In some cases the pain radiates to the leg. Often seen pain in the back below the waist;
  • generalized. In this case, the pain syndrome encompasses not only the lumbar region but also the entire back.

Depending on the duration of the pain syndrome are distinguished:

  • recurrent pain;
  • permanent.

Recurrent pain

The name of this symptom was due to the fact that it disappears after it liquidated the hotbed of pain, and the person is fully recovered. Often the discomfort of this type are identified in the result of the irregular physical exercise or physiological characteristics of the human body. But often the cause of periodic pain becomes the pathology of internal organs acute. It is worth noting that pain caused by diseases of vital organs, can be of two types:

  • radiating;
  • reflected.

Persistent pain

Usually causes symptoms pain this type are:

  • inflammation in the bone and cartilage structures;
  • processes of dystrophy and destruction in the bones and cartilage;
  • violations of circulation of blood in the vessels of the legs.

Much less frequently a cause of constant pain in the lumbar region is the damage to muscle structures or internal organs. About the progression of pain syndrome of this type say that if to eliminate the pathological focus is almost impossible, since the mechanism of degeneration of bones and cartilage has already been launched. The whole point is that in medicine today there are practically no tools that could completely eliminate dystrophic or degenerative processes in the human body.

The main reasons for the manifestation of chronic pain:

  • the defeat of the nerve fibers that go from the vertebrae of the lumbar;
  • damage to the nervous nodules, localized near the spine in the area of sacral and lumbar.

Disease, course which is accompanied by constant pain in the lumbar:

  • lumbago;
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • lumbar hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • sciatica lower back (pain often radiates to the leg);
  • thrombophlebitis. A characteristic feature is severe pain which gives the affected leg. Often there is also a strong inflammation around the damaged blood vessel;
  • atherosclerosis 3 or 4 degrees;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • different length legs.

Pain syndrome in women

the causes of back pain

Often the question why it hurts loin, ask the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lower back pain on the right or left may be one of the first signs of progression of the threat of gynecological diseases.

Reasons for pain in lower back right and left side in women:

  • adnexitis. Mostly pain localized in the abdomen, but also often give in the waist and even the leg;
  • torsion of ovarian cyst;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

Pain in the lower back in men

Lower back pain on the left or right of the representatives of the stronger sex often occur because of the peculiarities of their professional activity. But they also can signal about the progression of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • epididymitis. The main place of localization of pain is inguinal region. But it can also give the lower back and leg.

Common causes of pain

Lower back pain on the left or right evident due to the progression of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, diseases of vital organs who have the infectious nature. Also this symptom can be a sign of the growth of cancer or surgical complication, a consequence of metabolic disorders.

Causes of lower back pain left and right can be the following:

  • appendicitis. In this case, the main place of localization of pain is the right iliac fossa, but they may be given in the lower back. Usually shown lower back pain right;
  • the cholecystitis. The pain often manifests itself in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the lower back. The observed manifestation of pain in the lower back on the right (because of the location of the lesion of gallbladder);
  • pancreatitis;
  • adhesions after surgery;
  • kidney pathology. In this case, you may as nagging lower back pain and acute. Depending on which kidney is affected the disease process will manifest lower back pain to the right or left. Painful sensations accompany pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis, and more. Acute back pain often manifests itself on the background of urolithiasis, if formed, the conglomerate passes through the urinary ways;
  • obesity 4 degrees. Aching pain in the lower back appears at the end of the increased load on this area;
  • myositis. Sharp lower back pain with such pathologies usually appear to severe hypothermia;
  • infectious processes that occur in the bone tissue. This state is characterized by a sharp pain in the lower back;
  • of the tumor. In the early stages the pain may not be. Acute pain is detected on the 3-4 stage of development the cancer.

Therapeutic measures

Usually patients are concerned not only the question of why a sore lower back, but also im wondering what to do in this situation? The algorithm steps may differ depending on the cause of pain or not.

If the patient has no idea what prompted a sharp pain in the lower back, the first thing he needs to do is to measure their body temperature. If it is raised, so there is a high probability that painful feelings triggered by the progression of infectious or inflammatory processes. Yourself to do nothing not recommended – it is better to call a doctor or go to a medical facility for consultation and diagnosis.

If the cause of pain is the stretching of muscle fibers or a blow, then you can begin to do the following:

  • take anti-inflammatory meds. This measure of treatment will help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • yourself for treatment, you can take a diuretic drug;
  • fixation of the muscles and bones of the lower back with a towel.

What not to do:

  • if there has been a persistent manifestation of lower back pain that radiates to the leg, take pain killers constantly is not recommended. The elimination of the main symptom (pain) can subsequently hamper the process of diagnosis;
  • as a method of treatment can apply to warm-up. Many people believe that if you warm up a sore spot, the pain will subside. This is not so;
  • no need to go for treatment to the physician, if the violation of the position of the vertebrae. Such changes may be the result of degenerative processes, therefore, no treatment measures can not be used until, until you passed a full examination of the body.

Treatment of pain in the lumbar region is the doctor a neurologist. A treatment plan is developed depending on what has triggered the manifestation of pain. Methods can be both conservative and surgical. Usually at first, the doctors make the decision to turn to conservative methods of treatment, and only because of their inefficiency to resort to surgery.

Medical treatment may consist in the reception of such medicines:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • diuretics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • probiotics and more.